Neptune Systems Apex Trident - Marine Aquarium Analyzer (Kh / Ca / Mg)

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Apex Trident – Automatic Colorimetric Titration
The Apex Trident is the latest testing solution to automatically test 3 major reef building block elements Alkalinity, Calcium and Magnesium in your saltwater aquarium. With up to date values sent up to APEX Fusion monitoring and maintaining a stable reef environment has never been so easy.
It is advised the Apex Trident should be used alongside the Apex DOS (Sold Separately) for ultimate control and stability and remove the chance of human error and the need for constant manual testing and dosing.
How it works?
The Apex Trident uses automatic colorimetric titration to test and log the results onto your Apex or ApexEL. Using a precision titrating peristaltic pump, the Trident mixes the regents with a small amount of aquarium water from your aquarium. The amount of water needed is determined by the electronic colorimeter to make the expected colour change take place. Once the results have been determined these are logged and the sample/regent is sent to the waste container.
Based on the standard dosing schedule 4x Alkalinity, 2x Calcium & 2x Magnesium test per day the regents are expected to last a full month before needing to be changed.
Accuracy and precision is the key to a stable reef environment, the Apex Trident offers consistency test after test with unmatched precision. This is acheived with an accuracy of +/- 0.05 dKH and +/- 15 ppm for Calcium and Magnesium.
Whats included?
- Trident
- 1Link Cable
- 5’ Black sample line
- 5’ clear waste line
- 1 month regen supply
- Calibration fluid
Trident Alerts
Safety of your aquarium and its inhabitants is the number one priority, for this reason the Apex Trident has out of range alerts when a parameter falls outside of the safe zone which could be fatal. This alert enables the hobbyist to take action however, as an extra safety feature the data recorded can be used to turn on or off other devices such as dosers to further protect your aquarium from overdose.
When a Trident is paired with one or more DOS systems the DOS uses the information to gradually turn up or down the amount of additive needed. As a safety feature once, a starting dose has been entered the DOS system will only ever dose +/- 35% of the starting dose needed to reach the desired level. If the DOS recognises that more is needed to reach the desired level then the dosing amount will be reverted back to the starting dose and an alert will be sent to manually adjust the dosing level.
Please Note; The Neptune Trident required an Apex or ApexEL with an open 1Link OR a 24V Power and Aquabus cable.
At a Glance
Dimension (Height x Width x Depth) – 10 x 4.25 x 12’’
Accuracy – Alk (+/- .05 dKh), Ca (+/- 15 ppm) & Mg (+/- 15 ppm)
7.9ml of aquarium water used per test
7 minutes per test
15 minuet setup time
Super quiet
Slide out regent draw